The 86 Bus

The bus is an interesting place. It's sort of like a neighborhood on wheels. These are the people in my neighborhood.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

There's nothing I love more than when people sing on the bus. It seriously makes me so happy. It makes the people sitting directly next to them so obviously uncomfortable and makes those of us with in ear shot contort our faces in awful ways to try not to burst out laughing.

Today, there was a boy singing opera while he was playing Sodoku on my way home. Hilarious! There was a couple sitting across from them and the girl had to burry her face in the boys shoulder to disguise her laughter. The boy sitting next to the opera man was trying to study and looked so unbelievably pissed off because this guy just kept singing. And not only was he singing, but there were dramatic hand gestures, too! I had to get off the bus early because I simply could not contain my giggles any longer.

Please, sing loud and sing proud. I will enjoy laughing at you.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Today was an eventful day on the bus.

Being that today is a Monday, I was running late as always, so I was on a later bus than usual. I deeply regret my addiction to the snooze button. For some reason, there was a field trip of third graders on the bus. I spent my 20 minute bus commute waking up to 15-20 children chattering excitedly about space ships and super hero powers and how the moon is really just a hole in the sky that aliens made with lasers so they could look at us from the other side.

The bus home was preceded by my staring across the street at this:
It was quite possibly the most gigantic dog I have ever seen in my entire life. Needless to say, I wanted nothing more than to squish it's gigantic face. But the bus came before I could.
On the bus, I was horrified when I saw injured arm man is no longer with an injured arm. Now, the last time I saw him was when he was passing by on the 66 bus like the fair weather bus rider he is. It is because I am a terrible person and for some reason was really upset that he would take the 66 bus that I wished he would be injured arm man for ever. Or at least for baseball season. But no such luck. Maybe next time...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Most of the time, the women bus drivers on the 86 route suck. They're mean and drive like maniacs. This morning, however, I was quite pleased with how lovely the lady bus driver was. I think it may have been because she had a thing for the not-quite Harvard professor (I think he does Hebrew lessons or something because he's always correcting things that aren't letters).

It was their conversations that led me into thinking up a romantic comedy. It goes like this: a man falls in love with a woman bus driver on his way to work one day and then tries to find her again by riding every route in the city. Hijinks ensue until in the end, he finds her and there's warm fuzzy moments and everyone is happy.

Okay. So looking at that now, it would probably be a really bad basis for a movie. But at 8:30am on my way to work, it sounded pretty good.

About Me

I don't like when there's no seats and I get slight anxiety when I can't find one near a stop request button.